Saturday, February 15, 2020

What major internal and external conflicts does the protagonist face Essay

What major internal and external conflicts does the protagonist face - Essay Example s to intervene to help and guide her (symbolically he wants to guide her throughout her life) and at the same time realization dawns on upon him that she has to charter her own course in life. She is the articulator of her destiny. Richard Wilbur compares the writing process to a ship at sail on a body of water by using the rhetorical device of diction. His diction is the pointer to the imagery of a ship to imply that his daughter’s story writing is more than an activity of language: that exercise is like a journey at sea; and his house, the ship and he watching with concern the process of her creating the charter for her life. The protagonist, as the father, wants to give his best to his daughter, but he aware of his limitations. â€Å"My daughter is writing a story,† (l.3) he asserts, and the profound turmoil in his inner world can be gauged by his concern that his daughter is creating a path for herself. The time of trials and tribulations in life has arrived in her life and the father is worried whether she will be able to tackle them effectively. He wants to be with her at every step, offer his helping hand, but he realizes he cannot do that. He chooses the next option, to present before her his own life experiences so that she can pick up some hard lessons from it. The speaker writes: â€Å"It is always a matter, my darling, / Of life or death, as I had forgotten.†(l, 31-32) Mapping out one’s own life is the toughest option for an individual. He is happy that he has taught her to be an independent thinker, but he desires to make her stronger mentally and infuse confidence in her to face life of her own. Wilbur has used writing as a discipline to challenge life. The lesson ingrained in the poem, and the message that he wants to give to is daughter is, as the wise saying goes, â€Å"The pen is mightier than the sword.† The noise of the keyboard relates to the process of struggle the daughter is undergoing and he watches that activity with concern and

Sunday, February 2, 2020

St. Pauls Chapel Columbia University Campus Essay

St. Pauls Chapel Columbia University Campus - Essay Example It’s a triumph of the Chapel’s architecture that it manages to be both of and apart from the Columbia University campus that surrounds it. It’s also one of the most interesting things about the Chapel: the ways it uses architectural details to create a sense of sacred space on the bustling campus. You enter the Chapel through a columned portico (another departure from other University buildings, which have open porticoes). Above the portico, the Latin phrase Pro ecclesia Dei (for the Church of God) is carved in clean Roman lettering. The portico, though technically outside the building, functions as the Chapel’s narthex, or entrance. (Because the Chapel is designed according to the traditional cruciform — or Latin cross — plan, as befits an Episcopal place of worship, entering the Chapel through the narthex is on the western end of the building, opposite the liturgical east position of the altar.) It serves another purpose as well. With its exquisitely carved cherub-crested column porticoes, exquisitely tiled ceiling and inlaid marble floors, the portico is also a transition from the everyday to the sacred. Stepping between the columns, you enter a space of echoing silence and shadowy beauty, narrow like the path to heaven and as intricately detailed as a medieval painting. (I liked the scallop shells on either side of the portico; even if I hadn’t known they were a traditional symbol to welcome pilgrims, their mysterious presence amid the brick and limestone would have added to the otherworldly aura of the building.) The portico, which is both open and closed at the same time, inside and outside the Chapel, part of and not part of the campus, serves as an appropriate entrance to the spiritual space of the Chapel. Just walking the relatively short distance, you find your footsteps slowing down, the outside world receding almost like a dream. The interior is justifiably praised for its ornate loveliness, and